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Day 90: Making Music

Writer: Cath Shaw Brave As FuckCath Shaw Brave As Fuck

I am on day 90. Yay. I have written 90 blog posts over pretty much 90 days-bar a few days off for job application writing and interview prepping. Which I consider was growth work.

And I have written them all pretty much entirely between the hours of anywhere between 1am and 5 am. This sleeping pattern used to stress me out. I used to lie awake and get frustrated that I was not sleeping. I used words like insomnia.

However, since I started living alone 2 years ago, I have embraced this pattern fully. I sleep for 4 hours then naturally wake up for 2-3 hours before falling asleep for about 3 hours.

In true geeky seeker style, research helped this acceptance. There is evidence that from the 17th century onwards humans used to sleep in two distinct chunks. However, by the 1920s, the introduction of street lighting meant that the idea of a first and second sleep had receded entirely from our social consciousness.

This knowledge has helped me overcome the 8 hours sleep a night doctrine. As a result, I now enjoy the peace, stillness and creative magic of this time of night. I work in darkness except for the beam of my Mac book, cocooned in what my cousin recently brilliantly described as my blanket fort.

There is a poem by Rumi which says 'because I cannot sleep during the night, I make music". Writing 90 blog posts in my blanket fort amid the tranquility of the darkness feels similar #trueself #nomorerules #braveasfuck.



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